2002-03-08 - 2:03 a.m.

1) I have lines and wrinkles all over my face. It's almost like they happen overnight, but it's really like I hadn't noticed them for a month or so.

2) Went to Molly's club to hear her spin. I was afraid that she would suck, but she didn't. Thank God.

3) C. (from work) and I get along really well. I'm soooo glad that I finally have someone to help me out at work, but I'm also paranoid about it.

4) Saw an old friend who lives in Boston and who lives with people I see almost every day for the first time in about two years. Thank God.

5) Running low on cigarettes.

And beer.

6) The web counter at the bottom of this site had been stuck on 2726. Forever. And then one day, it read well over 3,000, and then back to 2726, or some variation thereof. Why? Just now it says 3025, as if there were some sort of conspiracy. If you never hear from me again, please alert the higher authorities.

7) There is no end to the amount of stuff for which I can blame myself. Maybe this explains the lines and wrinkles. It's nobody's fault. It ain't my fault for not doing the things I should be doing, either. Whatever happens to me, good or bad, better or worse, skins vs. shirts, I'm going to be worried about that one small thing that can fester. 'Cause you never know what it's gonna be.

8) Horatio Hornblower, the Fireship is playing in the background. On A&E. I'm not making this up. It's one of those British naval period-piece thingies. I'm not watching it, but from what I can gather, it's actually a pretty good movie. They're arguing about supplies right now. Committing bodies to the deep, etc... It's funny to hear Hornblower every now and then, tho.

9) Don't mention books much here, but I am reading a good one right now. It's like someone who really, really loved Shakespeare wanted to write an original novel. Not a modernization, mind you, just a nice old book. Seinfeld probably read this book and creamed himself. A Confederacy of Dunces.

10) Yeah, I know. Everyone in the world has read it, and I should have read A Confederacy of Dunces years ago. (I wouldn�t be caught dead reading Generation X on the train.) But it's new to you, and that�s what counts.

Listening to:

The body on the railing - 2005-06-26
I'll put a pebble in my shoe - 2005-04-20
I wanna be a geographist! - 2005-04-13
Shop - 2005-04-05
I can't dance but I will - 2005-03-22
The WeatherPixie