2002-05-01 - 12:15 a.m.

You know what I really hate? That friggin' Mastercard commercial where all these young college-bound trendsetters talk about their worst ever jobs. Gardner! Yuck! Counting cans! For $6.10 an hour! Eeewwwww!

Beats bleeding the money outta my dad, says some lil' alterna-fuck decked out in his lil' alterna-wear that he could never afford on his $5.45/hr salary. (This kid comes in to the Big Company with an application in his hand, I guarantee I will send him out on his ass.)

You know what? That fuckin� sucks for you, you little trendy asswipe. Doesn�t it?

Some people work those jobs 'cause they have to, not just because their lawyer dads wanna teach them about financial responsibility while at the same time getting 'em outta the house for a summer.

Asshole. Be thankful that being a janitor's assistant is not your life! Be thankful that being a janitor�s assistant, and not really caring one way or the other cause yer thinking �bout something else, is the worst job you�ll ever have, provided you don�t really fuck up. Be thankful that you don't have kids, that you're just doing the 16 hour a week job for supplemental income, that you can laugh about it with all your little oh so precious friends. And go on and feel superior to yer boss. Relish the feeling. I don't need to be doing this, but ha ha, I am. Isn't that cute?.

And fucking be thankful that you aren't in such a position where you wouldn't know what to do if you ever lost that job.

But you know what? Do you think that Rosa, the 45 year old lady that does the cleaning at the Big Company, at night, when nobody is around, is gonna be outraged enough to cancel her Mastercard account? I don't think so. Alienated or not, she either was denied in the first place, or she owes more money than she makes in half a year. For stuff she bought years ago. That she needed. That, after all the fees and then after all the other fees, she's winding up paying double or triple for.

Mastercard, at least pretend that the world is kinda fair.

Show that commercial again, and I'll cancel my account.

As soon as I pay off the $2,000 I owe. Five or six years from now.

Listening to: Robyn Sings by Robyn Hitchcock (2cd set of Dylan covers)
Reading: The Plague by Camus

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