2002-05-21 - 12:53 a.m.

When I clean, I'm not just cleaning.

I'm working.

For myself.

No productivity issues resolved on project X. No worrying about getting away with appeasing the interviewers.

Nobody questioning my decisions.

Nobody else.

When I clean, I'm working for myself.

Everything I do. My work, and I get to keep the finished product.

When I'm done, exhausted, it's never perfect.

It never will be.

Close, however, if I worked hard enough.

And if I didn't work hard enough, if I put just half of my ass into it, things will still become better then they were.

Listening to: Speak Kindly of your Volunteer Fire Department by Robert Pollard and Doug Gillard
Reading: I am a Cat by Soseki Natsume
Background: M*A*S*H; snoring

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