2002-05-24 - 6:14 p.m.

I'm at work, doing some coding. Basically, I'm sifting through the open-ended responses to a survey question and grouping similar responses together. I assign each group a number, and thusly each person's heartfelt and unique response can be crunched just like any other data.

Usually pretty boring work, except this survey happens to be about teenagers� attitudes about drugs and sex.

I'm very tempted to list the funniest ones here, but that would violate the integrity of the Big Company, and so I must refrain.

I will however, and completely out of context, let you know that chicken tastes better on acid.

By the way, in the greater scheme of geekdom,

(I actually cheated 'cause I thought the above was the funniest result.)

Listening to: I am a Cat by Natsume
Reading: Best of the Early Years by They Might be Giants
Background: ...on a scale from one to seven, where one is excellent and...

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The WeatherPixie