2002-08-04 - 2:59 a.m.

I was gonna write about state quarters, which I should probably still do, but the computer crashed, and then it crashed again.

Then, all was lost. The computer is (and generously, I might add) going the (ex)�s way.

And then I felt bad, that it crashed like a party girl.

But then I fixed it. The computer, mind you.

I dunno. That�s my life right now.

At work, running around, stressing out, trying to fix other people�s problems that become mine if I can�t fix them. And which are mine anyway because they happened in the first place.

At home, with the packing and the moving. I just can�t trust anything when it�s going right. At least, when things are fucking up all over the place, I can get a good read on the situation.

And with my friends, because I can�t be around them. I need to save money, and having friends like the ones I have is the equivalent of owning a vintage car�you love it and love it and love it, but really can�t afford to drive it around. Hell, I can�t even afford to be a passenger. Bad analogy, I know.

I want to, and am looking forward to, being in a place where I can write about state quarters.

I�m doing my best to avoid signing up for the (ex) Memorial Camp-for-people-who-think-that-their-next-living-situation-will-solve-all-of-their-problems, but the thought is soooooo tempting.

When things are up in the air, stability becomes the most attractive chick in the bar.

And I thought I had my type down.

I guess that what I�m trying to say is that, for a guy that has absolutely no plans for the future, it sucks when you have plans for the semi-long term, and then have to wait.

All that time to waste.


How to spend it?

Listening to:

The body on the railing - 2005-06-26
I'll put a pebble in my shoe - 2005-04-20
I wanna be a geographist! - 2005-04-13
Shop - 2005-04-05
I can't dance but I will - 2005-03-22
The WeatherPixie