2002-08-07 - 12:43 a.m.

Here's to me not having a computer tomorrow.

Yup. The (ex), who is moving on Friday, is making a preliminary move tomorrow night.

With her goes the computer.

I'm gonna miss you, little Gateway. I really am.

When we moved here, to Allston, we bought a kitchen table with four chairs. None of the chairs lasted two years, and I ended up throwing them all away, one by one.

Each chair I put on top of one of the dumpsters (as opposed to in), in hopes that some brilliant craftsman might see it and give it a new home.

And I sadly waved goodbye to each one.

You can imagine how I'm gonna feel saying goodbye to the computer.

Actually, though, if you really wanna know the truth, as far as household objects go, I never really warmed up to it. It was just kinda there. It did its job like an employee who punches in at 9 and out at 5 every day�that never goes out for drinks with the other household objects. It brings its lunch and quietly eats in a corner.

The last computer I had (my first), had far more personality.

Regardless, the Gateway is going to go away tomorrow, so I guess this is the end of my relationship with it.

So, and this is important...

I'm not going to be able to update here for at least a month.

I mean, I can update from work, but I can't really spend the time it takes to crank out a really good entry.

Some people drink beer and watch TV. Some people drink beer and watch movies. Some people drink beer and talk. Some people drink beer and pass out. Some people drink beer in a bar and sometimes end up sleeping with someone. Some people drink milk and eat cookies.

I drink beer and write on diaryland .


I don�t wanna sound like Monsieur Illusions d� Grandeur, but to those who actually follow this narrative, I�m sorry, but I have to say kinda goodbye for now.

I�ll be back full-force in September.



Listening to: John Henry by TMBG
Background: Cheers marathon

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I'll put a pebble in my shoe - 2005-04-20
I wanna be a geographist! - 2005-04-13
Shop - 2005-04-05
I can't dance but I will - 2005-03-22
The WeatherPixie