2003-07-05 - 5:49 p.m.

Well I went to Target (pronounced Tar-jay) and got a new clippo-lamp, lightbulbs, a new mop and a replacement head, and a $25 toilet seat that turned out to be too small.

Thus far, I�ve replaced the lamp, gotten bummed over the toilet seat (pun intended), watched the Sox pound the living shit outta the Yankees (pun not intended), swept the rug and floor in my room, washed the floor in my room (one small portion at a time, and with Murphy�s and water first, then water, then water). The mop is the best mop I�ve had in three years, and I�m very excited about it. I�ve also dusted my bookshelf and �entertainment center� with a Swiffer pad (they�re excellent for dusting), and I did a little rearranging too. I used orange scented Pledge wipes to clean the baseboards, my windowsill, my door, my desk, and the three chairs in my room. All of the dust I swept outta my room went into the hallway, which I also swept along with the living room.

Oh, I also put away all the laundry I had gotten done yesterday at my parents�.

Oh, and I took a cold shower after all that. I�ve gotten a hell of a lot done and it�s only 6:00. And I haven�t cracked beer one yet, so I still have maybe another productive hour ahead of me before I run outta gas.

Thus far, this has been a fantastic day off. Come to think of it, it�s time for a cold one.

Because a one isn�t a one unless it�s cold.

Listening to: X

The body on the railing - 2005-06-26
I'll put a pebble in my shoe - 2005-04-20
I wanna be a geographist! - 2005-04-13
Shop - 2005-04-05
I can't dance but I will - 2005-03-22
The WeatherPixie