2003-07-14 - 12:24 a.m.

What an odd Sunday--maybe I'm just not used to having this much time to relax, and maybe I gotta get outta this mode.

The Roommate and I ended up going back to Urbans yesterday 'cause I didn't wanna go all the way back to Harvard today. I bought a red plastic zip up box, for all of my CDs--in shoeboxes in my closet, and they aren't quite worthless 'cause I have 'em all imported, but obviously I wanna keep good care of 'em.

So now it's Sunday, and the plan is brunch at the East Coast grill, then the Sox game at 1:00, and I'd do closet organization then, and after that the day is mine.


We did Inman, the Roommate and I, and from there a walk home, she with a metal hangie thingie, and me with a new magnet, and we finally bought tickets to the Abbey Lounge Booze Cruise. I had felt like crap on the way to the restaurant, but I figured wait a little, and I'll turn this thing around. I had some excellent sangria there, and at the time it did the trick, like coffee perks me.

The walk took minutes but felt like hours, and I had a good time with her. The Roommate is fun to kid around with--I know she loves it.

From there to home, where I was exhausted at 3:00 in the afternoon, the rest of the day ahead, and me still figuring out what to do with the day. I sat very still on my bed, in the heat, watching the Sox lose to the lowly Tigers. After that, I felt like doing some closet cleaning (we've gotten the apartment to maintain status, so stuff like closet cleanin' seems necessary to me now).

I watched it from my bed, wondering if I could make it to 7:00.

The oysters kicked in, and after that, I got on a let�s decide to hang things kick, but we spent all our energy thinking of where to hang things.

Then we got restless and decided to take a walk, and then decided we were hungry, and narrowed down restaurants as we passed by them. We decided to eat outdoors at the local Indian restaurant, and let me tell you, that place knows what it�s doing. Spicier than usual, mind you, but more quality than you�d expect if you eat based on location. The waiter let us drink outside, as long as we kept the bottles on the ground. He got a good tip.

Then the goddamn walk up the goddamn hill. I felt so random and stop-start all day, and I never did get my act together for my day off. But that didn�t prevent myself and the Roommate from having fun today, and though I didn�t get as much work done around the apartment as I had planned, I did some little things, and I spent time with my baby, which is all I wanted to do in the first place anyway. So yay.

For some reason, I�d equate the odd energy of the day to the kind of energy you get when you have to move in four days and you wanna get some work done, but you�re still trying to figure out what to do, and you still wanna enjoy being where you are. So you balance out the two big hitters and get little done, but while you�re out drinking at a favorite local bar, you make plans which concern moving, and the big picture becomes a little less cloudy.

Today was kinda like that.

(By the way, the best time before a move is around noon the day before--you�ve gotten your act together, the obvious stuff is all packed, you have a plan for the big stuff, and you�ve even gotten a box filled with remote controls and tapes and papers that could be important that you�ll worry about later and dress shoes. That�s when you can have an honest moment between yourself and your stuff, and that�s when you have to make decisions that involve packing stuff now and moving it tomorrow, with the rest of the stuff that made the cut, or throwing it away now. As sentimental of a guy as I am, I�ve never regretted throwing away something right before moving day.)

Listening to: Beatles

The body on the railing - 2005-06-26
I'll put a pebble in my shoe - 2005-04-20
I wanna be a geographist! - 2005-04-13
Shop - 2005-04-05
I can't dance but I will - 2005-03-22
The WeatherPixie