2003-08-23 - 10:44 p.m.

It�s just a lazy Saturday off. Ran into the Deaner and his wife in JP, ran into My S.� sister in Coolidge. Running into people is the best, especially when you work with them. It reminds them that you exist outside of those mind-numbing penitentiary confines. Plus, for me, it makes me feel like I know people.

Got my tattoo consultation at Fat Ram�s, and got my hair cut afterward. I feel so much better about myself right now.

Watched the Sox win at the Common Ground in Allston (as haunted as it is for me, Allston is now my playground, too, and I can have fun there). Right now, playing some lazy chords on the guitar while I still can, and then I�m gonna scrub the tub again and then stick some non-slip appliques to it, and then I don�t know what I�m gonna do.

By the way, how does Jonathan Richman lay off the fat chords so well, but make his guitar sound so full? I don�t know. How does it make it seem so easy that it�s like he�s pretending to play the guitar, but when I get home and try to do what he does, I hit more wrong notes than an Inuit garage band and get more frustrated than Strong Sad?

Listening to: Lemonheads

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