2003-10-16 - 10:47 a.m.

Wow. Columbus Day is the most underrated holiday we have.

First off, it comes outta nowhere. I mean, people start looking forward to Labor Day on July 5th. But Columbus Day just kinda sneaks up on ya.

Second, it's a well timed holiday. Just when Fall is starting to pick up steam--the leaves are changing and most but not all are still clinging to their branches, and the air is crisp but not cold. When I was in high school and hung out with the headbangers, there was a running joke about this brief period we're now in--where everyone wears their jean jackets until it's cold enough to bust out the leather ones. I like those two weeks of being caught off guard by temperature and having to adapt, and having a holiday right in the middle of that is a big bonus.

Finally, it's a Monday holiday. Those are the best, and for two reasons. One, it's easier to come down from. A Friday holiday gives you a three day weekend, but then you gotta go back to work on Monday. When it's a Monday holiday, all you gotta do is get through the week (which you're used to), and then you got a three day weekend followed by a four day work week.

The other reason why Monday holidays are so great is that having Monday off takes pressure off of Saturday and especially Sunday. Whenever I have two days off, I freak out a little and am constantly beating myself up if I'm not having the time of my life at all times. Having that Monday looming makes it okay to sit around all Saturday and do "nothing." It makes Sunday a second opportunity to have a Saturday.

In conclusion, go Columbus!

Listening to: TMBG
Reading: Illusions by Richard Bach

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