2003-10-26 - 1:15 a.m.

Today's the day where we take revenge on those evil farmers and are rewarded with an extra hour of sleep.

I'm getting less sick, which is nice, but I'm still sick, which sucks. The Roommate and I watched a kid's TV show where boys make a girl's room over at the same time as girls make over that boy's room.

The boy actually said he wanted something more adventurous... and sea-going.

Unfortunately, they edited out the therapy sessions the boy must have undergone immeadiately after uttering that statement.

After that there was some sort of arcing teen Survivor show, and all I can say is that even though it paid off that the Green Team sent the Red Team and the Orange Team off to the thing that I forget what it's name is, it was poor decision-making. The Orange Team pulled through and the Red feathers that were ruffled were kicked off the island.

Were it my decision, I would have chosen the Purple Team (cause they were in the lead), and whatever team I considered most threatening. No betrayals, no alienation, no setting up comebacks, no setting up galvanization. Quick speech Please don't take this personally, but I consider your two teams to be my most worthy opponents, and I'll have a better chance at victory if one of these teams is gone.

Teens are stupid.

The Roommate and I putzed around Davis after that, and saw American Spendor at the Somerville Theatre. I had some Guinness stew at the Burren, and then we went home (where I managed to at least wash my floor).

We watched the Yankees lose the World Series, and then a Tracey Morgan best of for SNL, which was great, and then, just when I thought all was lost, an X-Files rerun... on NBC? Hey, I'll take it.

From there, TV came through for me again with a This Old House Classic, and it was a barn-raising! Fascinating, and Sam "May-day" Malone, wait, I mean Ted Danson, was involved (this was filmed during his Cheers run).

OK. So there's no gass left in the TV tank, and obviously I'm not leaving the building 'till tomorrow, which is football, so unless I run outta smokes, perhaps I won't leave the building at all, but right now it's time to turn to the internet. Perhaps I'll finally find the elusive last page. Or maybe do anything at Zombo.com. The world is at my fingertips.

I'm sick. I'm liberated from the oppressive nagging obligations of good health. I feel so empowered!

(Super-secret being sick bonus--brain ploabs a go-go. For instance, I entertained, recently, the though that perhaps Ah-nold's entire acting career was just a rouse to get everyone psyched about him running. I mean think about it--he ran against someone named Gray. Like Gray Day. Vis. I'm starting to wonder if California really exists. I can be sick and get away with saying stuff like this.)

Listening to: Robyn Hitchcock

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I'll put a pebble in my shoe - 2005-04-20
I wanna be a geographist! - 2005-04-13
Shop - 2005-04-05
I can't dance but I will - 2005-03-22
The WeatherPixie