2003-11-04 - 12:58 a.m.

I wrote a guitar song this weekend and did some cleaning, 'cause a special friend is coming to stay with me. The Roommate and I also went on a pretty nice walk on Saturday, which felt like a nice cool Summer day, despite the date.

Tonight, I watched the Pats win on Monday Night Football. Great game. The Roommate once said about the Pats, They've been good to you. True that.

I've been empowered, of late. I decided that superstition has no hold on me when it comes to watching televised sports. Okay--I'll still never say the word no-hitter when a Sox pitcher is striving for one, but beyond that, hey. Know what?

It doesn't matter what I do. The players on the field are going to win or lose the game.

Question it or say me too, but I can honestly say that I've noticed trends in things that I've done that have helped or hurt the team of my heart.

But the one thing I can do that rules 'em all is enjoying the game. I'm not playing. The point is to sit back and crack a few brews, and enjoy.

By not enjoying the opportunity to see my team play, I'm hurting them.

Any good luck I can generate for my team goes sour if I try too hard to do so.

From here on in, it's time to take a step back and use sports for what they're for if you're not actually playing 'em.

The rest of my life I can save for overanalysis.

Listening to: B.J. Thomas

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